Healing by Cara

What Cara offers is both very simple and immensely powerful at the same time. One to one sessions with Cara are typically an hour long and consist of an initial discussion about you and some explanation about the process that Cara uses usually followed by a combination of mediumship where she will talk to you about what Spirit is showing her about you, your past lives and the things which are influencing your life now.
The second phase of the session is to use shamanic healing to reconnect your heart and mind - in other words your intellect and your feelings - and to remove some of the clutter which we all carry around in our psyches from previous lives and from the experiences we have in the here and now. This can sometimes be quite reluctant to vacate the premises.
It is possible to scan the body and the soul for memories, influences and the presence of an enormous variety of energies which have no place in the person they have attached themselves to. Cara can help to remove energies and entities that shouldn't be there and about which the individual has no knowledge or awareness. What is so interesting and valuable for the client is the change in their own sense of being and energy levels once the process has been carried out.
The way this works varies infinitely - everyone's experiences, needs and perceptions are different which is why the sessions need to be very flexible - but the effects can be felt afterwards in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes it is subtle and profound, sometimes it is immediate and very apparent.
Please contact Cara to arrange your healing appointment.
The second phase of the session is to use shamanic healing to reconnect your heart and mind - in other words your intellect and your feelings - and to remove some of the clutter which we all carry around in our psyches from previous lives and from the experiences we have in the here and now. This can sometimes be quite reluctant to vacate the premises.
It is possible to scan the body and the soul for memories, influences and the presence of an enormous variety of energies which have no place in the person they have attached themselves to. Cara can help to remove energies and entities that shouldn't be there and about which the individual has no knowledge or awareness. What is so interesting and valuable for the client is the change in their own sense of being and energy levels once the process has been carried out.
The way this works varies infinitely - everyone's experiences, needs and perceptions are different which is why the sessions need to be very flexible - but the effects can be felt afterwards in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes it is subtle and profound, sometimes it is immediate and very apparent.
Please contact Cara to arrange your healing appointment.